Measures for the Administration of Full-time Undergraduate International Students' Status in Zhejiang Gongshang University


Chapter I General Principles

Article 1 In order to implement the national education policy and standardize the administration of full-time undergraduate international students status, in accordance with the Administrative Measures for the Enrollment and Cultivation of International Students by Schools (Decree of the Ministry of Education No. 42), the Standards for the Quality of Higher Education for Foreign Students in China (For Trial Implementation) (Jiao Wai [2018] No.50), the Tentative Measures for Granting Chinese Academic Degrees to Foreign Students of Regular Higher Education Institutions issued by the Academic Degree Commission of the State Council, these Measures for the Administration of Full-time Ordinary Undergraduate Students' Status in Zhejiang Gongshang University (ZSDJ [2017] No.253)and other provisions, and in combination with the characteristics of international student work, these Measures for the Administration of Full-time Undergraduate International Students' Status in Zhejiang Gongshang University (hereinafter referred to as these "Measures") are hereby formulated for implementation.

Article 2 For the purpose of these Measures, "international students" refer specifically to foreign students who are studying for their first degree in Zhejiang Gongshang University (the "University").

Chapter II Admission and Registration

Article 3 Any international student who has acquired a high school diploma and meets the admission criteria of the University may apply for a bachelor's degree study in Zhejiang Gongshang University. Zhejiang Gongshang University will make a comprehensive evaluation on the applicants' Chinese or English level, high school grades and other information, and then selects the best candidates based thereon.

The International Education Faculty shall submit the list of admitted freshmen to the Academic Affairs Office, which shall then be responsible for compiling student numbers and arranging different majors for them to study.

Article 4 Freshmen admitted by the University according to China's admission provisions shall take their valid ordinary passport, Admission Letter, Visa Application Form (JW202 or JW201) and other relevant documents to go through the admission registration procedures with the University on the date specified in the Admission Letter. All freshmen shall make corresponding admission arrangements according to such time limit. Those who fail to register within the specified time limit will be deemed as having given up their admission right and be disqualified from studying in the University. 

Freshmen must bring their valid passport, Admission Letter (original copy), health certificate (original copy) and other relevant materials for registration.

Newly admitted international students shall submit, to the Admissions Office of International Education Faculty within one month from the registration, a medical examination and health certificate issued by Zhejiang Entry/Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau. If the certificate submitted does not meet the admission health requirements, the student should be withdrawn from school.

Those who are unable to enroll on schedule for some reason should ask for leave in writing in advance from the relevant colleges and the International Students Admissions Office. The leave must be approved by the relevant colleges and then reported to the International Students Admissions Office for record. The leave time shall generally be no more than two weeks. Those who do not take leave or whose leave is overdue shall be deemed to have given up their admission qualifications except for force majeure and other legitimate reasons.

The Admissions Office of International Education Faculty and the colleges that the students belong to will review the new students' admission qualifications at the time of registration, and register the status for those students reviewed as qualified. However, if it is found that the Admission Letter and other supporting documents presented by the new students are inconsistent with the fact, or that they have violated other admission provisions, their admission qualifications shall be cancelled.

Article 5 International students who are diagnosed with diseases in the physical examination of Zhejiang Entry/Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau are not suitable for studying in the University, and shall be treated as dropouts and their tuition fees shall be refunded.

Article 6 At the beginning of each semester, the international students shall go through registration formalities according to the University rules. Those who cannot register as scheduled shall go through the leave formalities, otherwise they will be punished as absenteeism.

Those who fail to pay tuition fees according to the University rules or do not meet the registration requirements will not be registered.

Unregistered international students cannot take all courses of unregistered semester.

Chapter III Educational System and Learning Years

Article 7 The education system for undergraduates from high school is 4 years, and the same for undergraduates from junior college is 2 years, with flexible years of study. The undergraduates from high school can study in the University for 3 to 6 years, or 2 to 6 years if majoring in Business Chinese; the undergraduates from junior college can study in the University for 2 to 3 years. Those who exceed the maximum years of study but still fail to meet the graduation requirements will be withdrawn from the University.

Chapter IV Attendance

Article 8 The University implements the attendance system specifically as follows:

(1) International students must report to the University and register according to the stipulated date. The University will check student attendance from the first day of school.

(2) The scope of attendance for international students includes all educational and teaching activities uniformly organized by the University and its colleges such as classroom teaching, experiments,internships and practices as stipulated in the education and cultivation program;

(3) Those international students who are unable to participate in the educational and teaching activities for some reason must go through the leave formalities in advance, and shall submit a written application with the necessary supporting documents (such as sick leave certificates, medical records, etc.). Those who have not asked for leave, or have not been allowed to ask for leave, or have not continued their leave upon expiration of the approved leave, will be treated as truants;

(4) Those international students whose medical and personal leave time exceeds one-third of the total class hours for the whole semester shall go through the suspension formalities according to the University's student status management provisions.

Article 9 The University implements the leave system specifically as follows:

(1) The one-time leave (including 2 or 3 classes) shall be subject to the approval by the relevant classroom teacher;

(2) The leave for more than one time, within 1 day shall be subject to the approval by the counselor (or class sponsor);

(3) The leave for more than 1 day but less than 1 week, after the counselor (or class sponsor) signed opinions, shall be reported to the college leadership for approval;

(4) The leave for more than one week (inclusive), approved by the leadership of the college, shall be reported to the International Student Management Office of the International Education Faculty for record;

(5) If a student asks for leave during the examination, he or she must apply to the college for a postponement of the examination, which shall be subject to the examination and approval by the college,and if not approved, shall be treated as absent from the examination;

(6) The leave during teaching activities (such as internship, etc.) shall be subject to the approval by the team leader or instructor, and reported to the college leadership for examination and approval;

(7) Each college shall master the attendance of the international students who have not taken leave or are not allowed to take leave, and shall handle it in a timely manner.

Chapter V Performance Assessment

Article 10 The international students shall take part in course study according to the University's curriculum arrangement and teaching plan, and shall take corresponding assessments according to provisions. Chinese and China Overview should be taken as compulsory courses for higher education;and Political Theory should be a compulsory course for the international students majoring in philosophy and political science.

Article 11 The international students shall be assessed each semester to obtain results for all their courses. The assessments of the courses include examination and non-examination test. The examination adopts a hundred-mark system, and the non-examination test adopts a five-level scoring system or a two-level scoring system.

Comparison Table of Course Grade and Grade Conversion Result


Calculation formula of credit grade points:

Course credit grade point = course grade point x course credit

Average grade point = sum of course grade points ÷ sum of course grade points

Article 12 For the courses offered by the University's special cultivation program, the University will arrange a course examination after the teaching is completed. Those who fail the examination can arrange a make-up examination (excluding general knowledge courses and optional elective courses)before the beginning of the next semester. Those courses that the students fail in the examination and make-up examination (excluding general knowledge courses and elective courses) shall be re-studied(hereinafter referred to as re-study). Students may apply for the re-study within two weeks from the beginning of the semester of the course and pay the required fee. The re-study results shall be truthfully recorded in the re-study results column. No grade will be recorded for the students failing the examination of public elective courses (general knowledge courses and elective courses).

After the make-up examination, the final results of the course will be recorded in the student status file according to the original proportion of the results of the make-up examination paper and the usual results of last semester. The results of the make-up examination for non-re-study courses are recorded in the column of make-up examination results, and the results of re-study and re-study make-up examination are recorded in the column of re-study results.

Article 13 For international students who receive higher education in foreign languages, their dissertations may be written in corresponding foreign languages with the abstracts written in Chinese.

Article 14 For the international students who seriously violate the examination discipline or cheat in the examination, their assessment grade shall be treated as invalid, and they shall not be allowed to take the make-up examination but shall directly re-study the course.

Article 15 If an international student applying for deferred examination is approved to take the make-up examination before the beginning of the next semester, the examination result shall be treated as the final examination result and recorded in the final general evaluation column of the student status file.International students who do not take part in the final examination organized by the University without approval shall be regarded as defaulter and be given as score of zero, and shall not re-take the default examination but must re-study the relevant course.

Article 16 Without approval, international students who are absent from a total of more than 1/3 of the total class hours or who fail to hand in 1/3 or more homework (including experiments, internships,graduation theses, and graduation designs) for one course are not allowed to take the course examination, and their scores shall be counted as zero. They will not be arranged to take a make-up examination but will directly take part in the re-study.

Before each semester's course examination, the teacher will report the list of international students disqualified from the examination and the reasons (with relevant materials) to the college where the international students major in, which, after verification, will notify the international students concerned and report to the Academic Affairs Office for record.

Article 17 The international students who have learning difficulties may apply for degrade within third weeks from the beginning of each semester. They may be degraded after their parents agree and report to the Academic Affairs Office for approval and to the International Education Faculty for record.However, exceptions shall be given to the cases as specified in Article 34 hereof

Article 18 Issues such as the change of cultivation plan and credit accreditation of international students caused by the change of student status, such as the major change, shall be implemented according to the provisions for Chinese students.

Chapter VI Change of Major

Article 19 An international student may apply for a change of major under any of the following circumstances:

(1) After admission, the medical unit designated by the school found that due to physical reasons, he or she could not study in his original major but could still study in other major of the University.

(2) He or she is deemed by relevant departments of the University that he or she has difficulty in study and the change of major is not conducive to his or her personal development;

(3) He or she has outstanding talents in some aspects (such as high-level papers, academic research results, award certificates and other certificates), and can give full play to his or her special skills after the change of major.

Article 20 An international student may not change his or her major under any of the following circumstances:

(1) The University has clearly stipulated that students cannot change their major during admission;

(2) He or she is a freshman who has entered the University for less than one semester;

(3) He or she is student of Grade 3 or above;

(4) He or she is a student meeting the requirements of withdrawal;

(5) He or she is a student who are temporary absent from school, or retaining his or her status or admission qualification.

Article 21 The international students are generally allowed to change their major only once during their stay in school.

Article 22 International students can generally hand in their major change application within two weeks from each semester.

Article 23 To change major and complete relevant formalities, the international students shall submit an application and attach relevant supporting materials to their college or the receiving college and the Academic Affairs Office in sequence for approval and then to the International Education Faculty for record.

Article 24 If an international student applies to change from a major in Chinese to a major in foreign language, he or she shall submit a major change application within two weeks from the beginning of the semester to wait for the signing of opinion by the competent leaders of the student's transferred-in or transferred-out colleges. Later, the Admissions Office of International Education Faculty shall examine his or her admission qualification and determine whether he or she meets the admission requirements for the major in foreign language of the current year. After examination and issuance of the examination results, the application shall be submitted to the Academic Affairs Office for examination and approval and to the International Education Faculty for record.

Article 25 If due to special reasons, a Chinese government scholarship student really needs to change his or her major , he or she shall submit an application to his or her college for approval, to the Admissions Office of International Education Faculty for issuance of a letter of consent, and together to the China Scholarship Council (CSC) for agreement, and then to complete the major change formalities. If the duration of the scholarship needs to be extended due to the change of major, a letter of approval from the embassy of his or her home country in China is required. If the CSC's consent is not obtained but the student insists on changing major, all expenses for the extension period shall be paid by the student him/herself.

Chapter VII Suspension and Resumption of School

Article 26 International students may complete their studies by stages, but the whole study period shall not be longer than the maximum years of study. They may also apply for suspension of schooling during their stay in the University.

Article 27 An international student who applies for suspension of schooling, or whom the University believes that he or she should be suspended from school, may be suspended from school with the approval of the University.

Article 28 International students who perform compulsory military service may go through suspension procedures, and the University may retain their status as students for two years from their retirement.

Article 29 International students who suspend schooling shall go through relevant formalities, and the University shall retain their status as students. International students do not enjoy the treatment for the students studying in University during their suspension of schooling.

Article 30 International students who need to suspend their schooling shall personally submit an application to their college for a signing of opinion, and then to the Academic Affairs Office for examination and approval and to the International Education Faculty for record. The suspension period is generally limited to one year. International students who are allowed to suspend their studies should go through visa change procedures within 7 working days from the date of school approval and leave the country before their visas expire.

If an international student cannot resume his or her studies after the expiration of his or her suspension due to illness, he or she may apply to continue to suspend his or her studies for one year, if approved by the Academic Affairs Office, but the total suspension period shall not exceed two years.

Article 31 Upon expiration of the suspension period, the international students shall apply to the University for resumption of studies within one week from the beginning of the new semester, and may only resume their study after re-examined as qualified by the University. The resumption of schooling requires completion of relevant formalities. The application for resumption of schooling shall be submitted to the Academic Affairs Office for examination and approval after being signed by the college the student belongs to. At the same time, the application shall be filed with the International Education Faculty. After the resumption of study, if the students cannot study their former majors due to the University major adjustment, they can choose to resume study in other similar majors of the college.

Article 32 In principle, the University would not agree the Chinese government scholarship students' suspension of schooling for any reason. If a Chinese government scholarship student really needs to suspend his or her studies due to illness, he or she must hold a hospital certificate and a letter of consent from the embassy in China, and after obtaining the University's approval, the Admissions Office of the International Education Faculty shall promptly report the relevant information to the CSC. With the approval of the CSC, the University will handle the suspension and leaving procedures for the students applied. If the students need to return home for treatment, the maximum suspension period shall not exceed one year. During the suspension period, they will not enjoy the scholarship treatment, but will retain the scholarship qualification. Scholarship qualification will not be retained if the students suspend their study for any reason other than illness.

 Chinese government scholarship students who have suspended from school due to illness, when applying for resumption of schooling, should show their relevant applications and rehabilitation certificate to ensure that they are in a good health conditions to complete their studies. Upon the return of the student to school, the college that the students belong to shall report to the Admissions Office of International Education Faculty after going through the formalities for returning to school. The Admissions Office of International Education Faculty shall notify the CSC in writing in a timely manner.Starting from the date of reporting, the scholarship shall be paid monthly. The duration of the scholarship shall be automatically extended, but the extended duration shall not exceed the suspension period.

Chapter VIII Academic Warning and Withdrawal

Article 33 International students who have failed courses for a total of 12 credits shall be given academic warnings. Those who fail the courses with a total of 24 credits will be given withdrawal warnings. The above courses do not include public elective courses (general knowledge courses, and optional elective courses) and courses that have passed the re-study examination.

Article 34 International students shall withdraw from school if they:

(1) Have not complete their studies within the maximum years of study stipulated by the University;

(2) Fail to apply for resumption or do not apply for continuation of the suspension for two weeks upon expiration of the suspension period;

(3) Fail to register within two weeks from the beginning of each semester, without any justifiable reason;

(4) Leave school without asking and approval, and do not participate in the University's teaching activities for two consecutive weeks;

(5) Have not pay tuition and other fees in accordance with the provisions of University;

(6) Suffer disease or accidental disability that make they unable to continue study according to the University's designated hospital diagnosis;

(7) Personally apply to withdraw from school.

International students, who should withdraw from school due to the above circumstances, shall be signed by their colleges and reported to the Academic Affairs Office for review and to the International Education Faculty for record. For an international student withdrawn from school, the University will issue a withdraw decision notice. The college will send the withdrawal decision notice to the international student concerned and the student will sign on the notice. If in special circumstances the notice cannot be directly delivered to the student for confirmation signature, the college may choose to inform or deliver by mail, announcement and other appropriate means.

Article 35 If an international student who cannot be contacted is to be dismissed from school, his or her college must put forward a treatment opinion, and notify the student first. If the student still cannot be contacted, he or she shall be deemed as having been informed through an announcement on the college website for two weeks. If no objection is raised within two weeks from the announcement, the treatment opinions shall be submitted to the Academic Affairs Office for approval, and at the same time to the International Education Faculty for record.

Article 36 International students who withdraw from school must immediately go through the formalities for leaving school, change their visas within 7 working days from the date when the school approves the withdrawal, and leave China before the expiration of their visas. For those who suffer from mental illness, accidental disability or other serious diseases and cannot take care of themselves, their parents or guardians shall be responsible for handling the withdrawal formalities and bringing back the students.

Article 37 Chinese government scholarship students who voluntarily withdraw from school due to personal reasons shall submit a written application to the colleges where they belong. Their colleges shall promptly report the application and the University's opinions to the CSC through the Admissions Office of International Education Faculty. Upon approval, their colleges shall handle the withdrawal formalities for the students. Scholarship students who have not completed their studies and leave China will be automatically disqualified from the date of withdraw from school and will not be entitled to homeward passage. 

Chapter IX Graduation (Including Completion or Incompletion of Schooling)

Article 38 If an international student with formal student status has completed the courses specified in the cultivation program within the specified number of years of study, has obtained corresponding credits,and has met the requirements for graduation, the University shall allow the student to graduate and issue a graduation certificate before the student leaves school. Those who have not completed the courses specified in the cultivation program and have not met the requirements for graduation shall be issued with a Certificate of Completion.

Article 39 International students, whose graduation thesis (design) has been found plagiarized before the defense, shall be disqualified from the defense of the graduation thesis (design) and dealt with according to the relevant provisions of sanction against students violation. If the plagiarism is found after the students pass the defense, after verification, the diploma already issued shall be cancelled.

Article 40 International students who are unable to complete the courses (credits) stipulated in the cultivation program within the school year may apply for extension of their study time within the schooling time limit. The application for extension of study time shall be submitted by the students themselves. The application for extension of graduation shall be submitted 2 months before the graduates leave school, and shall be submitted to the Academic Affairs Office for approval after being examined and approved by the colleges where the students belong. At the same time, the application shall be submitted to the International Education Faculty for record. Those who extend their study hours must pay tuition and related fees according to provisions.

Article 41 If a Chinese government scholarship student really needs to extend the duration of the scholarship to continue studying in China for special reasons, he or she shall apply to the local dispatching department or the Chinese embassy (consulate) in foreign country recommending him or her to come to China at the beginning of each year, and apply to the college for extension of study after obtaining the consent letter and other materials. The college shall timely report the student's extension application and the University's opinions to the CSC through the Admissions Office of International Education Faculty, and go through the formalities for extension of study after obtaining approval. If the application for scholarship period extension of the Chinese government scholarship student is not approved but the student really needs to extend his or her study period, the relevant expenses during the extension period shall be borne by the student him/herself.

Article 42 A bachelor's degree shall be granted to those who have obtained an undergraduate diploma and meet the requirements for granting a bachelor's degree from the University.

Article 43 If an international student's graduation or degree certificates is lost or damaged, he or she can apply to the University for a proof document. After verification, the University will issue the corresponding proof document, which shall have the same effect as the original certificate.

Article 44 The Academic Affairs Office shall uniformly prepare and issue graduation certificates and degree certificates for international students. 

Chapter X Supplementary Provisions

Article 45 For issues concerning the treatment of international student status that have not been explicitly provided herein, they shall be handled in accordance with the Administrative Measures for the Enrollment and Cultivation of International Students by Schools (Decree of the Ministry of Education No.42), the Standards for the Quality of Higher Education for Foreign Students in China (For Trial Implementation) (Jiao Wai [2018] No.50), the Tentative Measures for Granting Chinese Academic Degrees to Foreign Students of Regular Higher Education Institutions issued by the Academic Degree Commission of the State Council, these Measures for the Administration of Full-time Ordinary Undergraduate Students' Status in Zhejiang Gongshang University (ZSDJ [2017] No.253) and other relevant provisions.

Article 46 These Measures shall be implemented as of December 1, 2018.

Article 47 The Academic Affairs Office and the International Education Faculty shall be responsible for the interpretation of the provision herein.
