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The "first lesson" | The College of Gujiao held a series of lectures on international student education

From September 11 to September 12, 2023, the College of International Education held a series of Orientation Lectures for international students. All newly admitted international students for the class of 2023 and some returning old students participated in this event.

Orientation Education has always been the highlight at the beginning of each semester for CIE, and it is the “first lesson” for international students. The Orientation Education is divided into nine modules, covering the laws and regulations that international students should abide by, as well as other aspects concerning their daily life and study. Orientation Education aims at helping international students become familiar with the rules and regulations that they should abide by in China and at school; at the same time, it reminds international students to guard against fraud, pay attention to campus safety issues, build awareness of self-protection, so as to lay a solid foundation for better study in China.

The lectures are listed below

Lecture (1):

Visa and entry-exit knowledge for international students

By Qiantang Exit-Entry Administration Bureau

-The first lecture introduced the visa and entry and exit instructions closely related to international students, so that students can start their life in China smoothly.

Lecture (2): 

Introduction to Chinese Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure Law


By Qiantang Prosecutor

-The lecture introduced China's laws and regulations and reminded international students to abide by the law. The prosecutor particularly emphasized that there are differences in the definitions of crimes and non-crimes for some behaviors in legislation between China and foreign countries due to cultural and regional differences, and international students must strengthen their legal awareness.

Lecture (3): 

Regulations on Student Status and Academic Affairs Management of International Students

By Academic Affairs Office

-Detailed introduction to the relevant regulations for international students such as registration, class attendance, performance assessment, transfer of majors, suspension and resumption, graduation, etc., so that students can properly manage their own studies.


Lecture (4): 

Campus Safety and Legal Education for International Students

By Security Department

-Based on the common cases at university campuses such as theft, fraud, and fire, from case presentations to warm suggestions, the lecturer remind students to be more vigilant, take precautions in advance, learn to protect themselves, and jointly create a safe campus.

Lecture (5): 

Life Reminders in International Students Apartment

By Back Office

-The lecture introduced the basic situation and guidance notes of the international students apartments.

Lecture (6): 

Mental Health Education for International Students

By Psychology Center

-The lecture reminded students to pay attention to their own mental health and also put forward suggestion for healthy living. It also shared ways for seeking psychological help, hoping that students can complete their studies healthily and happily.


Lecture (7): 

Anti-drug Education for International Students

By Anti-Drug Detachment

-The lecture focused on the definition of drug types and scope under Chinese law and the punishment system for drug abuse and other behaviors, reminding students to cherish life and stay away from drugs.

Lecture (8): 

Rules of Conduct for International Students

By Student Affairs Office

-The lecture focused on the relevant regulations on disciplinary penalties for international students at Zhejiang Gongshang University. It is hoped that students will behave in a standardized manner and jointly maintain the normal teaching and living order of the school.

Lecture (9): 

Administrative Measures for Scholarships for International Students

By College of International Education

-The lecture introduced scholarship categories for international students, and the conditions and required documents for application.

  Finally, Ms. Pei Bei, Dean of the College of International Education, delivered a speech to the new students,”

  First of all, we welcome all international freshmen to choose Zhejiang Gongshang University as the university for studying abroad. We hope that you can seize every second, study diligently, constantly try to challenge yourself; work hard to study Chinese, to perceive Chinese culture, go out to see more, and experience more about China.

  Secondly, take care of yourself, participate in more activities, make friends with Chinese students, grab every opportunity to speak Chinese, and quickly integrate into the big family of Zhejiang Gongshang University. Also, it’s extremely important to comply with laws and regulations, school rules and regulations, beware of drug temptation, pay attention to telecom fraud, and never did something with momentary negligence or impulse, which might result in irreparable losses and consequences.

  Finally, I hope that all international students can achieve success in their studies, make more contributions to promoting international exchanges, and be useful to society and the country.
