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The school offers two types of scholarships for Chinese language students: New Student Scholarship and Current Student Scholarship.


I New Student Scholarship

The NewStudent Scholarship awards newly admitted Chinese language students who have strongacademic performance or are outstanding in other aspects.

1. The levels and amounts of the NewStudent Scholarship are as follows:

(1) First-prize scholarship: 4,000 CNY.

(2) Second-prize scholarship: 3,000 CNY.

(3) Third-prize scholarship: 2,000 CNY.


II Current Student Scholarship

The Current Student Scholarship rewards Chinese language students who have studied at our university for at least two semesters and have strong performance in all aspects. The scholarship is awarded once every semester starting from the second semester of enrollment. The school offers two types of scholarships under this category: Outstanding Student Scholarship and HSK (Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi) Level Scholarship.

1.The levels and amounts of the Outstanding Student Scholarship are as follows:

(1) First-prize scholarship: 2,000 CNY.

(2) Second-prize scholarship: 1,500 CNY.

(3) Third-prize scholarship: 1,000 CNY.

2. The levels and amounts of the HSK Level Scholarship are as follows:

(1) Grand Prize: 7,000 CNY; for students who have obtained a HSK level 7 or above certificate during the study period at the university.

(2) First-prize: 4,000 CNY; for students who have obtained a HSK level certificate two levels above that obtained when first enrolled, and the new certificate must be obtained during the study period at the university and is higher than HSK level 5 (inclusive).

(3) Second-prize: 2,000 CNY; for students who have obtained a HSK level certificate one level above that obtained when first enrolled, and the new certificate must be obtained during the study period at the university and is higher than HSK level 4 (inclusive).

(4) Third-prize: 1,000 CNY; for students who have obtained a HSK level 3 or above certificate during the study period at the university.

All Chinese language students can only apply for the HSK Level Scholarship once during their study period at the university. Applications must be supported by the HSK level certificate obtained in the semester of application (based on the 2021 International Chinese Education Chinese Proficiency Standards).


III Eligibility

Applicants must meet the following criteria to receive the scholarship funding.

1.Abide by the laws and regulations of the Peoples Republic of China.

2.Abide by the rules and regulations of Zhejiang Gongshang University.

3.Applicants for the NewStudent Scholarship must have agood or above academic performance (supported by the transcript of previous studies), or are outstanding in other aspects, and have clean records. Applicants for the NewStudent Scholarship must pay the tuition and accommodation fees in full before registering, otherwise the scholarship eligibility will be cancelled.

4.Applicants for the Current Student Scholarship must have an attendance rate of at least 90% while studying at the university, and an average grade of good or above infinal exams (the grades of make-up exams and re-study are not taken into calculation), have no absence records, or have outstanding performance in other aspects. Applicants for the Current Student Scholarship must pay the tuition and accommodation fees in full before the start of the semester, otherwise the scholarship qualification will be cancelled.


IV Application Process 

The NewStudent Scholarship is awarded after the admission qualification is confirmed. Applicants for the NewStudent Scholarship must submit the following application materials to the College of International Education(CIE) before the closing date (see the Admission Bulletin published every semester for details):

1.Applicants must submit an application through the International Student Admission Systemof Zhejiang Gongshang University before the closing date.

2.Applicants who study Chinese at other schools in China must upload the school certificate or certificate of completion issued by the international student management department of their school (the cumulative study of Chinese in China shall not exceed 2 years).

3.Applications can be supported by other certificates or qualifications, such as scholarship certificates, award certificates, published articles, etc.


Applicants for the Current Student Scholarship must submit the following application materials to CIE before the closing date (see the Notice of Application for Current Chinese Language Student Scholarship published every semester for details).

1.An applicationform filled in Chinese or English. 

2.A Chinese or English statement of personal experience at the university and the reasons for applying for this scholarship. 

3.Recommendation from the head teacher. 

4.HSK certificate, certificates of awardsor commendations (if any), and other materials.


The awardees of the NewStudent Scholarship can apply for the Current Student Scholarship from the second semester at the university. The awardees of the Current Student Scholarship cannot apply for other scholarships or different levels of the received Scholarshipin one semester.


V Scholarship Application Steps

New students should log in to the online application system for international students at Zhejiang Gongshang University at hzic.at0086.cn/student.

Step 1: Complete the professional application, fill in the basic information and upload various application materials (clear scanned versions), save and submit the application;

Step 2: After completing the application, follow the prompts to select the Chinese School Scholarship Zhejiang Gongshang University International Student Scholarship.

The senior student submits the International Student Scholarship Application Form (for current students) to the head teacher.


VI Scholarship Application Results

Our school will review and evaluate the scholarship applications of newly admitted students. Generally, the scholarship recipients will be notified of the evaluation results by email and the international student online application system via SMS from January to February (for Spring Semester) or July to August (for Autumn Semester) of the current year. The award results of the Current Student Scholarship will be notified to students by the International Student Management Office of CIE.


VII Contact information

Email: admissionzjsu@163.com

Phone: 0086-571-28008676,0086-571-28008677,0086-571-28008687

Address: Office 519, CIE, No. 18 Xuezheng Street, Xiasha Higher Education Zone, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province