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The "Song" Fu Hangzhou New Year event

On January 17th-18th, the Song Fu Hangzhou New Year event, jointly planned by The CPC Jiande Municipal Committee and Jiande Municipal Government, together with the Secretariat of the National Collegiate Rural Revitalization Creative Competition, was successfully held in Jiande. Seven international student representatives from ZJSU were invited to participate in this event, experiencing the Chinese New Year flavor and experiencing the beauty of folk customs together with other international youth representatives.

The content of this event was rich and diverse, including tasting authentic cuisine, learning to make traditional handicrafts, and participating in folk activities.

On the first day, international students visited the Songjiahu Cultural Site, learned about the origin and meaning of the lotus lantern, and felt the charm of traditional Chinese culture. They also personally made their own lotus lanterns and wrote their wishes on them.

The next day, they arrived at Yuquan Temple to ring the bell and pray for blessings. In the prayer activities, they learned about the profound influence of Buddhist culture in China and felt the vastness and profoundness of Chinese civilization.

Later, they came to Yanzhou Ancient City to experience the production of Laba Porridge. During the production process, they learned that Laba Porridge is rich and varied in ingredients, implying harvest and auspiciousness.

After tasting the delicious Laba Porridge, the girls, under the guidance of the staff, methodically distributed various local snacks such as Tofu buns and Meatballs to the villagers, while the boys joined the team to beat glutinous rice cakes. Through interaction with villagers, they better understood the connotation of Chinese traditional culture and deepened their emotional ties with the Chinese people.

Finally, everyone watched the traditional folk fireworks performance - Molten Iron Fireworks, explored the charm and interest of intangible heritage of fireworks.

After the event, they expressed that this experience has allowed them to deeply appreciate the unique charm of the Chinese New Year, and they will spread this unforgettable experience and the Chinese culture they have learned to more people. Through this event, they not only broadened their horizons, but also deepened their sense of identification in Chinese culture. We believe that in the near future, they will become ambassadors of cultural exchange between China and foreign countries, making contributions to the world's understanding of China.
