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International Students from Zhejiang Gongshang University Participated in the 2023 International Youth Culture and Sports Forum

International Students from Zhejiang Gongshang University Participated in the 2023 International Youth Culture and Sports Forum


The College of International Education organized a group of international students to view the The Path of Greatness - Celebrating 20 Years of Implementing the 'Eight-Eight Strategies' major thematic exhibition.

The College of International Education organized a group of international students to view the The Path of Greatness - Celebrating 20 Years of Implementing the 'Eight-Eight Strategies' major thematic exhibition.


Chinese and Foreign Teachers and Students at Zhejiang Gongshang University Experienced Intangible Cultural Heritage Wuju:   A Journey of Integration of   Opera Art and Modern Technology

Chinese and Foreign Teachers and Students at Zhejiang Gongshang University Experienced Intangible Cultural Heritage Wuju: A Journey of Integration of Opera Art and Modern Technology


CIE Held the Mid-Term Teaching Symposium with International students

CIE Held the Mid-Term Teaching Symposium with International students


International Students from BFSU&ZJSU Visited Headquarter of Kuka Home

International Students from BFSU&ZJSU Visited Headquarter of Kuka Home


The international students of our university were invited to attend the welcoming banquet held in our country for the President of Colombia

The international students of our university were invited to attend the welcoming banquet held in our country for the President of Colombia


From October to the Mid-Autumn Festival, the teachers and students of the National College of Love Full campus enjoy the Mid-Autumn Festival

From October to the Mid-Autumn Festival, the teachers and students of the National College of Love Full campus enjoy the Mid-Autumn Festival


The "first lesson" | The College of Gujiao held a series of lectures on international student education

The "first lesson" | The College of Gujiao held a series of lectures on international student education


Zhejiang Gongshang University's 7th "Internet +" College Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition International circuit competition ended successfully

Zhejiang Gongshang University's 7th "Internet +" College Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition International circuit competition ended successfully


2019 Sino International Students Gala,Finally unveil the mystery!

2019 Sino International Students Gala,Finally unveil the mystery!


"Mengxing Zhejiang" 13 years, the 13th Mengxing Gala of Zhejiang foreign students Chinese talent show a complete success!

"Mengxing Zhejiang" 13 years, the 13th Mengxing Gala of Zhejiang foreign students Chinese talent show a complete success!


Zhejiang Gongshang University held 2020 International Students Spring Festival Reception

Zhejiang Gongshang University held 2020 International Students Spring Festival Reception


Zhejiang Gongshang University held "Fight Epidemic Together" walking activity

Zhejiang Gongshang University held "Fight Epidemic Together" walking activity
